February 6th Branch Closed:  Due to weather conditions, CME CU branches will be closed Wednesday, February 6th.


Welcome to CME Credit Union

Welcome to CME CU

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Where Your Story Matters

Welcome to CME Credit Union! Thank you for allowing us to earn your trust and make a difference in your life. We have one and only one focus, your financial-well-being. It is why we were created and it is at the center of everything we do. Let us tell you a little about ourselves.

A little over 75 years ago a group of employees working for the City of Cranston imagined a better way of banking and gave their co-workers a safe place to save, borrower and help each other build their financial future. Today CME Credit Union continues this tradition by giving you a place “Where Your Story Matters”.

As your credit union we deliver and look for new ways to provide convenience, cost saving products and services with advice focused on helping you and your family make the right choices. That is why people choose CME CU and love to tell their friends and family about the difference we make in their life every day.

What to Expect

Now that you are a CME CU member you will start to receive emails and mailings on your accounts. Here is what you will receive:

  • Welcome Letter - You will receive a Member Welcome Kit which includes your Account Agreement as well as our Schedule of Fees and Service Charges.
  • PIN (Personal Identification Number) - to access the Telephone Banking and ATMs. You should receive your PIN within seven days after you join CME CU.
  • ATM or Debit Card – You should receive your ATM Card or Debit Card (whichever you requested and were approved for) within two weeks.
  • Monthly Statements – Based on the services you selected, you will receive a monthly or quarterly statement. If you receive e-Statements, you will receive an email notifying you that your statement is now available to review.